List of Research Projects

Research project in solution

Project no.


DKRVO 2018-22

Long-term concept Development of Research company


Implementation and use of complex biotechnological methods to characterize and create genetic resources and other materials for mustard food


Genetic resources for town and landscape


Biotechnological centre for plant genotyping

TH 02030073

Revitalizace zemědělské půdy v oblastech ČR ohrožených suchem

QK 1820081

Resistance monitoring methods of economically important pests and weeds to pesticides and anti-resistance strategies


Utilization of genomic and transcriptomic approaches to create genetic resources and breeding materials of poppy with specific traits

Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness


Promotion and popularization of research and agriculture in the bioenergetics area - closed


Partnership for popularization of development, research and educaution in  area of  transfer of technology in agriculture, food processing and bioenergetics area - closed

Closed research Projects

Project no.



Innovation of Methods for Establishment, Management and Plant Protection of Perennial Grass and Legume Seed Crops.


The use of non-conventional source materials, biotechnological methods and effective procedures in line and hybrid breeding of winter oilseed rape


The decrease of the risk at the growing of oilseed poppy


Creation of a New Systems of Biotechnological Measures for the Agricultural Biodiversity, and Forest Trees Species Conservation and Spread


Innovation of integrated pest management of oilseed rape to reduce negative effects of current cultivation technology

TA 01010815

Utilization of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) field inoculation with fungal pathogens in czech breeding and in testing of plant protection products

QJ 1230077

Testing of some chosen brassicacae insect pests susceptibility to insecticides

QI 101C167

Study of methods and crop management practices for seed yield of selected grass, legume and intercrop species and its quality increasing in organic farming

QI 101C246

Phytomass utilization from perennial grasses coners and landscape maintenance

QI 111C016

Proposal of new techniques for maintenance of permanent grasslands in LFA by minimising hygienic risks connected with occurrence of allergenic microorganisms predominantly of the genus Fusarium

QI 111C039

Practical use, development and production of a new biological preparation for plant protection

QH 92179

Increasing the effectiveness of integrated pest, disease and weed management in apples and pears via implementation of biological protection and supporting the biodiversity of orchard agroecosystems

QH 92106

Growing Systems of Seed Poppy Concerning to the Quality and Safety of Organic and Integrated Production

QH 72151

Interactions of insect biodiversity in an landscape with various methods of agricultural land use and technolgies with respect to pests of grasses and alfalfa and their bioregulators

2B 08020

Model project of prevention of soils biological degradation in arid climate conditions

QH 81280

Study of  the main factors influencing the stability of sustainable grassland management system in Czech republicublice

QH 81201

Biotechnological strategies in improvement of oilseed rape resistence to phoma stem canker

QH 81127

Adaptation, vertification and asteblishment of a phoma stem rot and stem cancer (Leptosphaeria maculans) prognosis systém based on konidia concentration in air and weather course in Czech Republic

QH 82285

Methods development for efficient selection and utilization of genetic diversity for resistence improvement to the most important biotic and abiotic stresses